6 Bell Sleeve Sweaters Under $60

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Similar sweater here and here (under $60) | Jeans (on sale!)

Shoes c/o (affordable version) | Hat | Bag | Earrings | Ring

There’s nothing better than feeling fall in the air! The past few weekends have been really busy, so it was amazing to spend this one in Charlotte enjoying the weather and all of the amazing festivals that have begun. If you live in the CLT area, make the trip to Belmont for the Chinese Lantern Festival. It’s gorgeous and runs until the end of October! This was my first year visiting the Yiasou Greek Festival (unfortunately ended this weekend), and I have to say the food is worth braving the crowds for! 

I was more than happy to break out some of my favorite sweaters this weekend. This sweater is one of my all-time favorites. It’s super soft and I love the bell sleeves… unless I’m trying to walk through a door wearing it. Have you ever had your sleeve get caught on a door handle when you’re trying to walk through it?! It’s really funny for everyone around you, trust me. 

I found a sweater identical to mine and some cute bell sleeve sweaters in a lot of different colors, all under $60! 

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xo Jenna

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