My Favorite Things: Color Pop

Good morning, readers! Lately I’ve thought about incorporating a little more color into my heavily neutral-themed wardrobe for spring and summer. Adding a pop of color really transforms an outfit into something unexpected. Here are a few of my favorites, plus a few essentials. Most of these items are under $45!


For warm temps I love a little touch of orange or blue. This NARS ‘Catherine’ lipstick is the perfect muted shade and adding wedges or a fun clutch would be perfect with a white sundress.

In terms of practicality, I really love this market bag for basically any occasion. I’m always toting around my laptop or camera and this will fit just about everything. One of the things I’ll carry around 24/7 is this MAC ‘Mineralize’ Charged Water, which you can basically spray on your face at any time for added moisture and overall dewiness (Is that a real word? You know what I mean.)

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xo Jenna

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