Curated: What I’m Actually Packing For A Tropical Vacation

I hate curated blog posts on “What to wear on vacation.” You know why? Because typically, I don’t feel like they’re honest or realistic for the every day woman. You may think what I think when I see some of them on the internet: “Where am I going to wear that $500 floral maxi dress BESIDES a vacation? Wait… this is $500. No thanks, next.” So, I wanted to share what I’m really packing for a warm weather trip. I’ll be gone for two weeks and wanted to shop for pieces that I would get some real wear out of, not pieces that I’d literally wear once and then stuff it in the back of my closet, never to be seen again until my next vacation.

Outfits to wear for a tropical vacation

Featured Items:

Slip dress | Tank (Great reviews, only $20) | Hat | Necklace | Bikini top and bottom

Linen pants (on major sale) | Sandals | Sunglasses | Face masque | Bag (under $50) | Shorts

A lot of these pieces are super affordable. My favorite piece is the linen pants because they’re even cuter/comfier in person and they’re on major sale – originally $190, now $50. Other standout pieces – this bathing suit (size up) that’s about $60, this wicker bag under $50 (HELLO Etsy!) and of course, the best moisturizer money can buy. Seriously, this Keihl’s masque is the holy grail of face moisturizer. Ed introduced me to it last summer and I use it year-round. I recommend it especially if you have dry skin during the winter months like me!

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xo Jenna

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