I recently started sharing more of my daily outfits on Instagram stories so you guys can get an idea of what I ACTUALLY wear every day, not just what’s edited and posted on my feed. To be honest, I work from home so 50% of the time, my day is spent in workout clothes. I get dressed for the gym in the morning and don’t change until after my workout, and depending on my schedule, that could mean I’m in leggings and sneakers until the sun goes down. That’s just the reality! On days when I’m wearing a real outfit, I try to snap a photo in front of my office mirror so you guys can see what I’m wearing. As I’ve mentioned in previous posts, I’m making more of an effort this year to build a capsule wardrobe with versatile pieces that I can wear in a lot of different ways. I think you’ll see that through these photos, especially the jeans and shoes! Many of these outfits are super affordable (pieces under $100 and $50) and will be perfect for spring! Also, you’ll find some sizing detail below on pieces that I’ve received multiple sizing questions about on Instagram.

Top c/o (wearing US 2) | Jeans c/o (wearing size 25 ankle, under $100) | Heels (TTS, under $100)

Ribbed tee (wearing size L, under $10, comes in 6 colors) | Jeans (TTS, under $100) | Heels (under $100)| Earrings c/o (under $50)

Top (TTS, wearing a size S, under $60) | Jeans c/o | Heels (TTS, under $50) | Necklace and earrings c/o (both under $50)

Trenchcoat (runs very large, wearing a size XXS, under $50) | Similar sweater (under $50)| Jeans (under $100) | Loafer mules

Sweater c/o (runs TTS, wearing a size S, 15% off with code LILLYANDGRANT15) | Jeans (under $100) | Heels

Cardigan c/o (wearing a size S, under $100) | Tee (TTS, wearing a size S, under $50) | Jeans (runs slightly small, wearing a size 26) | Heels (under $100) | Necklace c/o (under $50)
xo Jenna