Dealing with Internet Negativity




The internet is undoubtedly the blogger’s double-edged sword. We can’t live (and couldn’t work) without it, and there are so many wonderful opportunities and relationships that arise from it. But unfortunately, the internet also tends to breed negativity, not only from others but from within ourselves. As a fashion blogger, there’s a constant struggle to be better: wear nicer clothing, gain followers quickly, take more aesthetically pleasing photos, etc. The list literally goes on and on. There are hundreds if not thousands of other women attempting to accomplish exactly what you are. They want to stand out and have a positive influence on other women. And in the true entrepreneurial spirit, they want to create something truly unique, tailored by personal style. I’m writing this blog post because I have anxiety about all of these things, and I know to some extent, just about every other fashion blogger out there does too. It’s important to talk about it, and there are a few ways you can effectively counteract these issues.


I’ve made a point to surround myself with positive people: friends, family and other bloggers that support my efforts and comprehend the amount of work I’m putting into Lilly & Grant. Any time I read a negative comment or I’m not pleased with how something turned out, I know they’ll have my back to give me reassurance. These are also people I feel comfortable discussing these feelings with in depth… and really by that I mean they are willing to listen to my complaints! 🙂 But really, it’s crucial that you identify these people and keep them close.

Celebrate little triumphs 

I can’t possibly describe how I felt the first time I was recognized in public for blogging. I was shopping in Charlotte with my boyfriend when a girl approached me and said, “Hey, don’t I know you? Yeah, I follow along with your blog! Love your Instagram!” I tried to play it cool externally, but on the inside I was FREAKING OUT. It’s small things like that moment that keep me motivated to be better as a blogger. Whether you’ve reached some type of personal goal or landed a collaboration with one of your favorite brands, celebrate those little things, and hell, keep a list of them while you’re at it. That way, you can look back on it whenever you want and think, “I’ve really accomplished something special here.”

Focus on improving your work organically 

If there’s one thing I constantly stress about, and I think most women can relate to this, it’s my following. Especially on Instagram, there’s a big push to gain more followers, faster. It’s something that all of us worry about. We look at other women and wonder, “Why is she becoming so much more popular than me so quickly?” Maybe it’s taboo for me to bring that up, but it’s absolutely true. We’ve all felt that way at some point in time. With things like loop giveaways, there are a lot of easy ways to build your following quickly… but it’s not exactly organic. You’re essentially paying for followers. I’m not taking a stab at bloggers who participate in these, I’ve done it a few times myself. But it’s important to find a balance between monetarily building your audience and doing so through your own hard work. Utilize things like Iconosquare that have all kinds of statistics like what time of day, according to the week day, your Instagram sees the most traffic. Websites like this truly let you optimize your posts in the most organic fashion.

Use negativity as motivation to improve

There are two kinds of people in this world: those that allow negativity to bring them down, and those that harness it to make them stronger. It’s so easy to let negative comments and feelings get the best of you. Stay positive, that’s the best advice I can possibly give. Use negativity as fuel to motivate you to be a better blogger AND person overall. Remember, bloggers are an incredibly easy target for people to criticize because we’re really putting ourselves out there. People are critical because they have a phone or laptop to hide behind. When you see negativity, consider what the person is saying. If it’s something you can actually improve upon, let it motivate you to be better. If it’s pure hate, move on.

I hope this helps someone in some way. Like I said, it’s important to talk about these issues. If you have any thoughts or concerns, feel free to comment or send me an email at!


xo Jenna




  1. May 27, 2015 / 2:54 pm

    This was such an awesome post! I think the points that resonated with me most was 1. relationships – as it’s important to surround yourself with people who motivate and support your blog efforts, as many people find it somewhat silly and 2. knowing that although someone may be growing faster than you, as long as you’re putting in hard work, it’ll pay off eventually!


    • May 27, 2015 / 3:09 pm

      Thank you, Lauren! I’m so glad that you took something from this post. It’s important to stay positive, and it’s so much easier when you surround yourself with good people that give you positive feedback, like yourself! So thank you!
      xo Jenna

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