Dressing Out Of Your Comfort Zone

Madewell dress (this has the cutest bow-back!) | Soludos espadrilles (under $100)

Givenchy Bag | Moon & Lola earrings | DY ring

How often do you dress out of your comfort zone? I did for the first time in a LONG time when I bought this Madewell dress. I walked out of the dressing room and Ed loved it. Honestly I did too but I said, “This isn’t my style at all.” I rarely wear outfits that are super feminine and I’m pretty sure I can count on one hand the number of times I’ve worn pink, so I was feeling a little uncomfortable. Then Ed said something silly but subtly impactful. “Can you get out of blogger mode for a second?! Who cares, wear what you want!” He couldn’t be more right, and I bought the dress!

I have been blogging for 4 years now, and for the majority of that time I was a major people-pleaser. I felt that I needed to look and dress a certain way or people wouldn’t want to follow me. I would avoid buying certain things – even if I loved how they looked – because I didn’t think it fit my “image”. But I’ve learned that being true to yourself is more important than everything. If you want to wear clothing, makeup, or you want to style your hair a different way but you’re afraid of what people will think, just remember that you create your own happiness. No one else can do that for you. We all need an extra push every now and then to remind ourselves, which is why I’m so grateful that Ed did that for me! 

So, when is the last time you dressed out of your comfort zone? I want to know!

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xo Jenna

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