Feeling Blue







Outfit: Forever 21 scarf ⁄ Piko blouse ⁄ Old Navy jeans (identical) ⁄ DV Dolce Vita booties ⁄ Kate Spade bag ⁄ NARS ‘Tolede’ 

Jewelry: Earrings via Rocksbox ⁄ Michael Kors watch ⁄ David Yurman ring

I promise there’s a good reason that I’m not facing the camera in any of these photos. It has been chilly and VERY windy in SC lately. It took us about 30 minutes to take 60 photos because I had to wipe tears away after every shot!

I’m thankful during weeks like these that I have an unhealthy scarf obsession, because I’ve worn one every day to keep my neck and face away from the wind. The newest obsession being this Forever 21 frayed woven scarf. It comes in multiple soft colors and go with everything. The blush version would make for a nice Valentine’s Day gift or addition to a date night outfit!

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xo Jenna

1 Comment

  1. February 12, 2015 / 12:49 am

    Those earrings are amazing! Not only do they look great with your pants, but they would look great with any neutral outfit! I am thinking I need to check out this roxbox thing… I love jewelry too much NOT to!
    x, Jordan Taylor

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