My Favorite Things: Summer Vibes

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Estee Lauder Lip Gloss ⁄ Gold Cuff Off-Shoulder Top ⁄ Panama Hat ⁄ Bracelet Set ⁄ Wedges ⁄ Clutch ⁄ Underwater Camera ⁄ Flats

It’s finally that time of year! There’s really nothing like walking outside to eighty degree weather. It definitely crept up on me, but I’m so glad that it’s warm enough to wear shorts and sandals again. Spring and summer months always bring about a different attitude, as well as a different side to my wardrobe. I love incorporating fun, colorful patterns into some of my staples like these jeans, sunglasses, and shorts. This colorful clutch is perfect thrown into a beach bag or by itself as a clutch to carry my cell phone and lip gloss. I’m also loving this sweet little underwater camera. I’d love to capture those moments out in the ocean or by the pool when it’s just unsafe to snap photos on my phone.

What are you guys coveting for summer?

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xo Jenna

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