Our First Airbnb Experience

Our First Airbnb Experience 9

Our First Airbnb Experience 11

Our First Airbnb Experience 1

The gorgeous view from our cabin on Black Mountain!

Our First Airbnb Experience 14

Our First Airbnb Experience 7

Our First Airbnb Experience 3

Our Airbnb had two sheep, two goats and a chicken! These two are Frodo and Samwise. How cute is that??

Our First Airbnb Experience 2

Our First Airbnb Experience 5

Our First Airbnb Experience 4

Our First Airbnb Experience 8

Our First Airbnb Experience 10

Our First Airbnb Experience 13

Our First Airbnb Experience 6

Our First Airbnb Experience 12

Scarf | Cowl neck sweater | Jeans (my absolute favorite!) | Similar booties under $100 | Hat

Two weeks ago, Ed and I spent a weekend in the North Carolina mountains. We had this trip planned for months. Neither of us had ever seen the Blue Ridge Mountains during peak foliage so we stayed on Black Mountain to see it all! The weather was perfect and the trees were the most beautiful shades of red, yellow, and orange. If you’re planning a trip to North Carolina in the future, try to plan for the last two weeks in October. It’s always peak season for the leaves!

We rented a cozy little cabin through Airbnb, and as if it couldn’t be any cuter, it had farm animals! That was definitely my favorite part. Our hosts were very friendly and left us all sorts of local honeys, coffee and snacks for our stay. We had real fall weather up in the mountains so I packed my favorite scarf and sweater for a day of exploring the quaint downtown of Black Mountain. I will be sharing the rest of our weekend this week on the blog! 

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xo Jenna

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