Looking back at 2015


The past year has without a doubt been an amazing one. It has definitely had its challenges, but has also proved to be one of the most rewarding and all-around wonderful years of my life. I decided to post a photo I took last February during Fashion Week in NYC because it reminds me of how far I’ve come in one year… Which, now that I’m looking at this photo, really flew by. I can’t believe 2016 is upon us!

I learned a lot over the past 12 months and I’m excited to quickly share a few thoughts, as well as a few of my personal resolutions for the new year:

Invest in people who invest in you – I wanted to mention this first because I think it’s one of the most important things I’ve learned. I know for a fact that I’ve allowed myself to invest my time and emotions much more in some people than they have allowed themselves to spend on me. I’ve learned to recognize when enough is enough, and cut ties. I know that sounds rash, but let’s be real, who has time for that?! Good friends are incredibly hard to come by, so keep those that you have close. Let them know that they are appreciated and never take those friendships for granted!

Take pride in what you have – Instead of focusing on what you DON’T have. I had a long talk with my brother about this just the other night. It was on a particularly slow day for the blog, and I felt like complaining (to be quite honest). I told him how upset I was that my following wasn’t growing as quickly as usual, and that I was just plain jealous of other women who were more successful than me. He simply said, “You will always want more. Everyone does, that’s human nature. But you have more than most. You have worked hard for what you have and you have friends and family that support you. Appreciate that!” He couldn’t be more right, and I think that applies to just about everything in life. We’ll always want more for ourselves, and there’s nothing wrong with that. That doesn’t mean we shouldn’t take care of what we DO have, or value them any less.

Work hard, and don’t forget to reward yourself – I really believe that the key to success is working your ass off. Put in the extra hours, get up early, stay up late if you have to. But don’t forget to reward yourself for your accomplishments. I have started writing down personal goals for myself like, “If you reach this goal by the end of the month, buy yourself this bag, or treat yourself to a weekend trip, etc.” For some reason, writing it down makes it more legit. Plus, rewarding yourself will make you work even harder!

Support people around you – Whether that’s family, friends, co-workers, or a significant other. When you support someone else’s accomplishments and strengths, you’d be surprised at how quickly the favor will be returned. People feed off of positive energy, so when you’re supportive of others, they will likely do the same for you. I’ve found this to be one of the easiest and most rewarding things to do in the world of blogging. Now, I’m part of this huge support system of women who genuinely care about each other, and there’s nothing quite like it!

Look up every once in a while – From your phone, laptop, iPad, whatever it may be. I have caught myself one too many times looking at my phone for WAY longer than anyone should at one time. There’s a commercial I’ve seen where two scenarios are played out. In the first, a man and a woman pass each other on the street, meet, and eventually date and get married. The second scenario is the real one, in which the two never meet because they pass by each other, but both are looking down at their phones. I know that’s not necessarily a realistic example, but seriously… take time away from technology and pay attention to what’s going on around you. Besides, it’s good for your overall health anyway!


Plan trips and travel more often – I’m the kind of person that has always wanted to travel but never plans well for it. I’ve actually never been out of the country, and that’s something I plan on changing this year. My boyfriend and I have promised each other to take one big trip every year, and my best friend and I have already started planning weekend trips (We’re planning on going to New Orleans, so if you have any suggestions, please let me know!)

Music – Many of you probably don’t know this, but up until I graduated from college I played drums for over 12 years. It’s something that I have always loved tremendously, and playing was my favorite way to decompress. It was also my favorite way to spend time away from technology! Sadly, that has tapered off over the past two years, but I plan on bringing it back to the forefront this year. I’m a much happier, and definitely more relaxed person when I’m playing!

Reach a long-time fitness goal – Fitness isn’t something I’ve let myself slack on because it’s one of the only things I can fully control that makes me feel good. However, there are specific goals I’ve wanted to reach – like running a half marathon – that I plan on tackling this year. If you’re the kind of person who is making fitness one of your priorities this year, don’t hesitate to email me or comment below with your questions! Also, if you live in the Rock Hill/Charlotte area and are looking for a workout buddy, let me know!

Continue to grow and nurture the blog – This isn’t a particularly hard resolution because I have such amazing followers that support this little blog of mine. My readers are really what keeps me going and makes me want to improve every day. Not just for myself, but for your entertainment. I want viewers to read my blog and leave feeling positive and inspired. So thank you to everyone who has supported me over the past 2 years, and to those new readers. You are truly appreciated and loved! Have a happy new year!

Here’s to 2016! Cheers!

xo Jenna


  1. December 31, 2015 / 11:13 pm

    Totally agree with so many of these points- it’s so easy to compare to others, but being happy with what you have, while striving for more is always a good reminder 🙂 Cheers to 2016! xoxo, Jenna

    • January 1, 2016 / 10:58 pm

      Thanks so much, Jenna! Happy New Year!
      xo Jenna

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