Spring Style: Save or Splurge Part I

Spring is almost here and I’m starting to stock up my wardrobe. There are quite a few pieces I’ve had my eye on, but it’s so hard to choose when there are similar and inexpensive alternatives! I thought I’d start the first of a series of “Save or Splurge” Spring posts on accessories. I think all ladies can agree that the first thing we look for in a brand new Spring wardrobe are a few staple accessories that bring each outfit together!


Ivanka Trump Pumps // Paul Andrew Slingbacks

Amazon Wayfarers // Karen Walker 

Kate Spade // Tory Burch

So what do you think? Save or splurge?

xo Jenna


  1. February 26, 2014 / 7:01 pm

    I love those Karen Walker glasses and I am definitely buying the Amazon pair now!
    xx Cass

  2. February 26, 2014 / 7:02 pm

    I’ve been in love with those Karen Walker glasses forever and um definitely buying the amazon pair now!
    xx Cass

    • February 26, 2014 / 10:25 pm

      I’m so glad I could help! No one will ever know the difference!

      xo Jenna

  3. February 26, 2014 / 9:05 pm

    Great finds!! They are all very similar to the higher priced pieces!

  4. March 14, 2014 / 6:00 pm

    Great post! Is it weird that i actually like the “save” versions? =) I’m such a fan of kate spade. & you cannot tell the difference between those sunnies!

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